Flowers bring color and cheerfulness to any yard. Some people love to just admire them, others love to grow them. At Starhaven Villas, flower boxes will be provided to those who’d like to cultivate a flower garden.
So, you have a flower box, what do you grow that will thrive in it? Here are 7 flowers to consider to create a lovely flower garden.
First, the Yellow Tickseed Coreopsis. This flower loves the sun and will bloom from June to September if you deadhead them regularly.
Second, another full sun beauty; Munstead Lavendar. This bluish-purple flower will bloom from July through October and has the most wonderful fragrance.
Third, the John Cabot Rose blooms from June to October. This lovely flower bush also is a sun worshipper and needs to be deadheaded often.
Fourth, Redbirds in a Tree attract the busy, little hummingbirds. These bloom from June to September and do best in full sun.
Fifth, the Corkscrew Ornamental Onion brings a burst of purple majesty to your garden. Don’t let the name fool you, this can’t be harvested to go on your favorite hamburger or salad!
Sixth, the September Charm Windflower will blow you away with the charming pink blossoms. Fall, the time when most flowers are dying, are when these lovelies bloom.
Seventh, the colors in the Mckana Giant Mix Columbine will astound you. The yellows, reds, purples, and whites will keep you in awe of the nature around you.
Whatever you choose to grow in your garden, it will bring a smile to everyone’s face and be a gorgeous addition to your yard.